Sunday, October 5, 2014

So, it's been 10 weeks, time for an update!

10 weeks ago tonight, we posted our blog about selling everything and moving to Kenya...what an amazing trip this has been!

This weekend we were able to see our daughter enjoy Homecoming, celebrate my birthday, and now update our friends on our progress.

Here is a quick update:

We have three awesome families interested in renting our house while we are gone.  So, we are confident that our house will be well taken care of while we are away.  Annnnd, excited to return to Edgerton when we come back!

Next, tickets, we have been blessed by close friends with donations of $1400 towards our airfare.  Our airfare costs will be $5500 for five round trip tickets.  So, our next challenge is to fundraise the remaining $3900 for ticket costs.  As soon as we raise this money we will solidify our date and purchase our tickets for the trip.  If you have any ideas on how we can raise this money please share your idea with us!

Now, for the fast the furious:

  • We have sold 2 of our 3 cars (only our minivan remains)
  • Well over half of our stuff is gone, attic is empty, basement is basically empty, bedrooms have beds, dressers, and clothes.
  • Passports are all in hand and ready to travel
  • Travel shots are complete (we all just need a flu shot before we go)
  • Plans are ready for our projects while in Kenya
  • Educational plans for our kids are close to complete (Special thanks to Reading A-Z for sponsoring our subscription for Natalie, Phillip, and some of the students at SOAR-Kenya)
  • I love my new job at EHS as Associate Principal and Athletic Director! It is an awesome place and I am having a ton of fun!
So is there a date yet?  No!  But we are getting closer!

Here are some frequently asked questions:
Q:  How are you funding this?
A:  Our mortgage will be covered by our tenant, our monthly US and Kenyan costs will be covered by the money we have saved the past two months from selling our stuff, and we are counting on fundraising from our friends and family to pay for our airfare.
Q:  What will you be doing when you get there?
A:  First and foremost focusing on our family.  Educating our kids by focusing on Reading, Math, and helping others.  Community development by working with others to promote: education, reforestation, access to clean water, access to electricity, and more.  
Q:  When will you come back?
A:  Well, we are tentatively planning on late July or early August 2015 depending how things go and how our budget holds up.  We have chosen that time so that our friends and family can come and visit us this summer in Kenya! (PLAN A TRIP!)  Also, we have chosen that time so that I (Phill) can come back and pursue a job as a teacher or administrator.
Q:  How do I visit you?
A:  Thanks for asking!!!  Pick a time of year that works best for you and plan on at least 10 days, 14-17 works best, but we can definitely host you for longer if you want to stay longer!  Airfare is the biggest cost, the rest is very minimal.  Let us know if you are thinking about coming and want to be part of a group, we'd love to go on safari with you!

Look for another update soon!

Thanks for your support.

If you are interested in sending us a donation and would like it to be tax deductible, please make it out to SOAR-Kenya and send it to us at 502 Blaine St, Edgerton, WI 53534.  SOAR-Kenya is a registered 501(c)3 and a partner with us in Kenya.  Or, if you would rather send a donation electronically please use Paypal and send it to

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