Sunday, January 20, 2013

Strangers, Wires, and Content Creation

I can barely sit still...

You know you're a techie when... your tech director sends you a text message with two photos of wires dangling in a wire closet and you get excited!

Wiring for the new infrastructure started this week... strong wireless and fast speeds are in our near future!  This is exciting as it will allow our awesome staff and students better access to the internet and all of the tools available there!

Parent Nights for the iPad initiative start this week... Wednesday, 6pm at the EPAC.

ROAD TRIP!  A couple of friends and I are driving to Philly on Friday for Educon.  I cannot wait to participate in conversations about the future of education with strangers.  Well, many will be strangers, but some of the people there are colleagues that I have met and had discussions with via Twitter.  In addition, the conversations in the car with @KSchmitzLMS and @Teach4aLiving will be just as valuable.  Oh, and I'm looking forward to a Cheese Steak... the Foodie in me (Thanksgiving in Kenya anyone?) is so excited to have a Cheese Steak in Philly!  This is the first time Phill has been to Philly, Ill have details of the trip on Twitter, Facebook, and here on my blog.

Content creation by students and staff is an area that I believe is going to be a cornerstone of the future of education.  The tools to create all sorts of content are free or inexpensive and the resources to share them with others are commonplace.  The possibilities with a robust wireless network and creation devices in the hands of every student and staff are endless.  I am excited about the leadership our district  Library Media Specialist has taken on in this area.  Kevin Schmitz (subscribe to his YouTube channel) is a visionary leader who works hard to empower staff and students with his expertise.  This week Kevin released a video he made with our 8th grade English/Language Arts Teacher John Schuster and a group of 8th grade students regarding hallway behavior.  I am so impressed with the video, take a look below:

Kevin is also well known as a guitarist and musician.  This week he released a song he wrote and produced with two EHS seniors called Halfway There.  This song was written for the elementary schools' Cares assemblies and will be performed live on Friday.  I love the song and am proud of the team that created it, have a listen:

Content creation such as the hallway video and the song above will become the norm in schools across the nation as we look to empower our students.  I am excited that Edgerton is moving in the right direction.

Keep Looking Forward,

1 comment:

  1. Hi..
    This is good and interesting information..regarding Content Creation.....
    Thanks for sharing!
