Friday, March 13, 2015

Coming to America!

Coming to America?!

I tried to insert a funny clip with Eddie Murphy from his classic Coming to America I just couldn’t find anything that was relevant or safe for all eyes!

We have been thinking and talking a lot about our return to the United States and want to share some of our thoughts with you: our friends and family.

Upon returning there are a few things that we are sure of:
  • We have a signed lease with the tenants of our house until the end of July, so we can move back into our house as early as August 1st, 2015.
  • We will need a vehicle upon return, ideally a nice mini van or something like it so that five of us can travel together and sometimes also carry a friend.
  • I will need to find a job - most likely a teaching or principal position in or around Edgerton as our family loves the community and our kids love the schools.
  • Our original flights home were booked for May 27th and fly from Nairobi to Amsterdam from Amsterdam to St. Paul and from St. Paul to Chicago.

Let’s start with job options:
  • I have been approached by friends in two nearby districts about teaching positions that I am qualified for and am very interested in those positions.
  • I am looking weekly at WECAN (the employment hub for Wisconsin teachers and administrators) for administrator positions that I am interested in and qualified for.
  • We have also made inquiries into a few other opportunities that I would be interested in and qualified for.
  • The plan at this time, is to keep looking and consider all options for what is best for our family.

Kids and school:
  • Marquite will be returning to Edgerton High School as a junior.
  • Natalie will be returning to Edgerton Community Elementary school and starting 3rd grade.
  • Phillip will be returning to 4K.

  • We have extended our Kenyan visas until June 5th, our original flight home is scheduled for May 27th.

  1. Extend Visa and stay in Kenya another two months as originally planned.
    1. Kenyan rules state that a visa can only be extended one time for a total of 6 months, unless a person leaves the country and re-enters for another visa.
    2. We could leave Kenya for Tanzania or Uganda, stay for a few days, and re-enter Kenya with a new visa.  However, people in the immigration office in Kenya (whom have been very nice to us) say that while that is not ideal and supposed to happen, it is possible.
    3. We would continue our Kenyan adventure, continue homeschooling our children, and be in Kenya for any guests that want to travel to Kenya for a trip.
    4. Costs:
      1. $750 for a week of transport out of the country
      2. $250 for visas in the new country
      3. $250 for visas back to Kenya
      4. $750 for accommodations in the new country
      5. $1800 to change our flight home
      6. Approx. Total:  $3800
  2. Change flight from Amsterdam to the US and stay in Europe for about a month, then return home a month early.
    1. We would be able to visit my cousin and her family in Europe!
    2. We would travel around Europe seeing much of what it has to offer including the castles that Jodie has always dreamed of seeing and everyone would love.
    3. We would be able to meet more new people in another part of the world.
    4. We would document all of our adventures for everyone to see and learn from
    5. Costs:
      1. $1800 to add a layover in Amsterdam
      2. $2200 for Eurail passes for our family for 21 days
      3. $1500 for accommodations while backpacking Europe
      4. $1500 for food (additional from what we would normally spend)
      5. $1500 for incidentals such as tours, etc.
      6. Approx. Total: $8500
  3. Return home on May 27th and live in Wisconsin
    1. Because our house is rented until the end of July, we would need to find a place or places to live for about two months. (likely, little cost as we would stay with friends and family)
    2. We would need to find at least one vehicle. (must be purchased anyway)
    3. Costs:
      1. Vehicle would be needed (Not an additional cost, since we will need one anyway)
      2. Food costs would be normal.
      3. Gas costs would be normal
  4. Return to U.S. as scheduled and go on an American roadtrip.
    1. Because our house is rented until the end of July, we would need a place or places to live for about two months
    2. We would need to find one vehicle
    3. We would visit friends and family across the country, as we have missed them while we have been gone
    4. We would visit areas that we have helped over the years, the friends we met and revisit the sites and areas to learn
      1. Pierce City, MO (Tornado)
      2. New Orleans, LA (Hurricane)
      3. Joplin, MO (Tornado)
      4. Moore, OK (Tornado)
    5. We would visit sites of historical significance to learn more about our Country’s history
    6. We would meet many new friends along the way
    7. We would visit some of America’s picturesque places as well to cherish the beauty God has bestowed on our country
    8. Costs:
      1. Vehicle would be needed anyway (However, maintenance would be increased)
      2. Fuel would be increased from normal, we are approximating $1200
      3. Food costs would be increased as we would be on the road, but we would try to minimize some costs by purchasing food at grocery stores and eating with family and friends when possible. Estimated (additional cost) $1500
      4. Other incidentals such as park fees, etc: $1000
      5. Approx. Total: $3700
Wow, that seems like a lot!  We have been thinking and praying over this for a few weeks now and we felt it was time to share it with you.  We also would like to seek your opinions on the options above and see if you have any ideas or suggestions.  Please fill out the form below and let us know what you would choose and add any ideas or suggestions you have for us.  You can choose to enter your name or fill it out anonymously.  We are just seeking more information and ultimately realize that the decision is up to us!

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