Thursday, November 13, 2014

Driving in Kenya...

International Driving Permits secured

Maybe you have heard stories about Kenyan roads?  Maybe you havn't... I'm not sure an American can fully appreciate our road systems and conditions until one has traveled a bit.  Kenya has many dirt roads, pot holes that can swallow small kids (baby goats of course!), and when it rains washouts that can cause a driver to take their own detour sometimes making a short 40 minute trip into a 2 hour adventure.  No, I'm not exaggerating, these are actual things I have personally encountered.  Tonight, with the help of my mom, we all secured International Driving Permits.  Not, that we plan on driving a ton, but just in case we want or need to, we are now able to drive.  Watch out Kenyan roads, here we come!


  1. Yay! You get to share a two lane road with two matatus in each direction, one of which will decide to drive in the imaginary center (nope, make that centre) lane. :) I'm excited for you!
