Monday, July 28, 2014

Why? (Post 2)

Simon Sinek says, “Start with Why”.  

Why would a person leave a job?
Why would a person sell everything to live in a rural, Kenyan slum?
Why would he leave so many friends and family?

Before I left, a posted a few Facebook statuses about Why?  

I want my children to see the world, before they are taught what to believe about it.  I want them to see, meet, and have a relationship with people before they form a conclusion.  I want my children to live a life without possessions so they can decide which possessions are important to them. 

My dad has said that his goal in life was to provide a better life than he had.  I admire, appreciate, and love my parents so much for the life they have provided me.  Now it is my turn.  

I believe that a life lived serving others is a life worth living.  

For the next year, we are going to serve.  We are going to help.  We are going to love.  We are going to build relationships.  We are going to change lives.  Together.  All of us.  My children.  My wife.  And me.  Together…we will do all we can.  

That my friends, is priceless.  Worth more than a job, a house, a camper, cars, and everything else added up.  A year serving others.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Phill, your 'why' is more than what I expected when I clicked on the link to this page. I know all will be well. The seven times you have been to Kenya have proven your resilience and humanity. Karibu Kenya.
