Monday, February 18, 2013

Perma Smile

Perma Smile: When I cannot get the smile off of my face; permanent smile

So, Im sitting here listening to my wonderful wife read the kids a story.  She also took them to gymnastics tonight and made a phenomenal roast with potatoes and carrots (Late addition: she also took my car to the garage to fix my headlight- thank you honey). I ended up with about 45 minutes with the kiddos, spent talking about gymnastics with Natalie and playing on the iPad with Bunsy.  Good times, not enough time, but good nonetheless.

I have a ton of work to do tonight.  But, I still cannot stop smiling.

Today, the EMS team of teachers and staff rocked that building.  They took Day 1 of the iPad rollout for 8th graders and completely hit it out of the park.  Homerun.  Pretty dang proud of that group, amazing people...

The students today, yea, they also rocked it.  Creation was in full force.  They didn't care much for the instructional videos we showed...kind of a bummer because we spent (mainly our rockstar librarian, no seriously he is also a rockstar with a guitar and song writing) an enormous amount of time developing videos for everything us adults could think of that needs to be learned about the iPads... most of the kids swore they already knew the stuff though.  The kids created videos, photos, and so much more today! I'm excited about the future with every kid having a device and access to the's pretty much going to be awesome.

So, back to Perma Smile - today was a learning day for me.  I enjoyed learning all day with my team and my students, I loved watching their faces as they taught and learned, and I am so looking forward to the future and more Perma Smile.

If you were one of the people that shared in today, thank you for making this a great day.

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